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About Us



Peregrine Company is dedicated to elevating luxury living in southwest Michigan, providing high-end residential and commercial spaces that redefine modern living. Our apartments are designed with clean, contemporary aesthetics and come with superior concierge customer service. Whether you choose Douglas or Kalamazoo, our furnished and unfurnished apartments offer convenience and style.

Our commercial properties in downtown Kalamazoo boast prime locations, perfect for businesses looking to thrive in the heart of the city. Additionally, we provide a range of parking options in Kalamazoo's central business district, ensuring convenience for our residents and tenants.

To discover more about how Peregrine Company is reshaping luxury living in southwest Michigan, please give us a call. We look forward to hearing from you. 

People Of Peregrine

Tom T. Huff, Founder

Thomas T. Huff

Thomas T. Huff is the founder of Peregrine Company, and his journey with the company began as a passion project rooted in his love for Kalamazoo. Having grown up in the city, he saw its downtown area decline and felt a deep desire to revitalize it. Tom loved his career as an attorney but eventually turned his focus to real estate, seeing it as a means to drive economic growth and bring new life to his hometown.

His vision and innovative approach played a pivotal role in shaping Peregrine Company into what it is today. Tom introduced loft apartments to downtown Kalamazoo, starting with the iconic 228 E. Michigan Avenue location above the Golden Needle Shop. Additionally, he spearheaded the concept of underground parking beneath apartment and commercial buildings, a groundbreaking idea that added convenience and efficiency to the cityscape.

Over the span of more than 40 years, Tom served as the owner of Peregrine Company, bringing his expertise as both a legal professional and a community leader to the table. Today, while continuing his legal practice, he remains an integral part of Peregrine Company as its general counsel, ensuring the company stays true to its roots of innovation, quality, and community impact.

Thomas T. Huff's legacy continues to flourish as he passed the baton of Peregrine Company to his daughter, Natalie Valentine, and son-in-law, Ryan Burns. Natalie, with over 15 years of experience working alongside her father, brings a deep understanding of the company's values and a passion for continuing Tom's vision of revitalizing downtown Kalamazoo.

Ryan, who joined Peregrine in 2019, brings a unique blend of skills with an MBA and an engineering background. His expertise in business and technical fields complements Natalie's leadership, further strengthening Peregrine Company's capabilities in driving innovation and growth.

Together, Natalie and Ryan are committed to building upon Tom's legacy, continuing to enhance Peregrine Company's reputation for excellence in luxury living and economic development. Their shared dedication to the community and Tom's vision ensures that Peregrine Company will thrive and continue making a positive impact in southwest Michigan.

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